Why Every Tea Collector Needs A Yixing Zisha Teapot Set? – Guide, History, Material, Aesthetic
Since the discovery of tea in China, people have thought of it as the beverage that provides the greatest pleasure while also providing the most stimulation. Because of the widespread use of tea around the globe, it has developed into a wide range of distinct variations to cater to a variety of preferences and requirements. For a tea enthusiast, a perfect cup of tea is one in which the beverage was brewed to perfection, since this is the factor that most determines its flavour and aroma. Yixing teapots have been nearly associated with flawless tea brewing ever since the discovery of zisha clay and the invention of Yixing teapots.
The ultimate standard for a faultless cup of tea, which is arguably the most famous beverage all over the world, is the perfect brewing of tea leaves. Along with other considerations like as the temperature of the water, the different kinds of tea, etc., teapots play an important part in the production of an excellent cup of tea. Yixing teapots have been used for generations because they provide the best cup of brewed tea.
Zisha clay, which was found for the first time in China, is used in the production of teapots like these from Yixing. Zisha clay is the appropriate raw material for the production of Yixing teapots because of its distinctive chemical makeup and texture, as well as its water absorption rate of 4%. The experts agree that Yixing teapots are the ideal containers for brewing tea because they are able to maintain the heat, primary colour, tastes, and taste of the tea for up to five days after it has been brewed. The distinctive sedimentary lake deposits of the tea, which are caused by the zisha clay, also contribute to the exquisite brewing process that is used in Yixing tea pots.
The Yixing teapot, in addition to being a wonderful container for boiling tea, is also a beautiful piece that may be the pride of ownership for a person who collects teapots. The teapots made in Yixing are works of art that are regarded as the pinnacle of ceramic craftsmanship.
The special properties of zisha clay make the Yixing tea pots the best teapots for brewing tea
Shen Nong, a Chinese emperor drank the unknown beverage, that was produced when some leaves fell into the boiling water and after drinking the beverage he found it to be pleasurable and effective. This is how tea was “discovered” around 5000 years ago, according to the Chinese legends. The popularity of tea soon spread through China and then Japan and became an integral part of life and culture in both these countries. The association of tea in the Chinese religious rituals and “Japanese Tea Ceremony” are proofs of this fact. With the passage of time tea-drinking habits spread throughout the globe. Now tea is available in various categories. Amongst them the four basic categories are:
- Black
- Green
- Oolong
- Herbal Tea
These tea varieties are different in tastes as well as in the process of making. While the black tea is fully oxidized, the green tea is not oxidized at all. The Oolong tea can be placed in between black and green tea in respect of both the taste and flavor. This tea is partly oxidized to give this effect. The herbal tea does not contain any tea leaves. It is basically produced from flowers, berries, peels, leaves, and seeds of other plants.
Whatever is the quality and category of the tea leaves, to prepare a perfect cup of tea good brewing is the key to success. Through ages, the connoisseurs of the finest tea and experts of tea brewing have been considering the Yixing teapot to be the best brewing vessel of tea. The popularity of the Yixing teapot dates back to the discovery of the purple-tinged zisha clay during the reign of Sung Dynasty (960 – 1279). Zisha clay, which is the ideal raw material for making Yixing teapot, was first mined in the Yixing Province of China. According to the experts, Yixing teapots are the best tea brewing vessels as they can preserve the heat, primary color, flavors, and taste of the tea for as long as five days. The unique sedimentary lake deposits of the tea due to the use of zisha clay also contribute to the fine brewing technique of the Yixing teapot. Apart from the brewing excellence Yixing teapots are special because they do not crack even in case of extreme temperature difference. These Yixing teapots mature with more use and hence these teapot items are not supposed to be cleaned for better results.
The secret behind these finest qualities of a Yixing teapot is the unique chemical composition and characteristics of zisha clay. Zisha Clay (Zi=purple and Sha= Sand) is neither an ordinary sandy clay nor it has a purple color. This clay (also known as five-color clay) is a mixture of clay, quartz, and mica and contains a high amount of iron. Zisha clay has some unique qualities like a 4% absorption rate that makes it the best possible ingredient for making a Yixing teapot. As zisha clay does not contain led, arsenic, cadmium, and other toxic materials the Yixing teapot items are free from any toxic reaction. In fact, Yixing teapot exceeds the strict standards imposed by China’s pottery research institute and is also approved by the FDA’s standard of quality.
Besides providing the best quality brewing of tea Yixing teapots are also fine examples of the artistic genius of the potters of Yixing. The teapot items are regarded as collectibles for their aesthetic appeal.